Monday, 14 February 2011

Love Vs Logic

Love without you is spare; you touch me and make me feel among the rare!!!

Doesn’t the above statement means as if Love is the most important aspect of one’s life?
Yes it does means!! but still when it comes to reality Logic and love doesn’t stands on the same page; and doesn’t hold true for most of us.

The duel between Love and Logic is an unending puzzle; which keeps on multiplying as days pass; and keeps on dividing the rival the hatred. The situations seems to look like a neglected horse; but it does happen this way.

If we emphasis a little more, and put a little more pressure on our grey cells in our brain. We tend to say that ‘No’ Love doesn’t play any vital role though; but yes it does play magic over our senses. We ultimately fall short of memory to reason it, but yes we all at some given point in time had fallen in love for someone, or might fall in love for someone.

 When we are on fire we assume and treats Love like a wee buns, and we take Love for granted but we forget that Love is not an open-and-shut business neither it should be kept on the knock rather it should be kept with hush-hush as, if left loose it might slip through the cracks.

Logic never allows Love to rise up but ultimately it creats its place about the salt.

Logic has its vital and a very crucial role in our day-to-day life but can never overpower Love, the most adorable Gift from God..!!!

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