Chudel many people think that this souls are wicked and always does bad for people around. But has anybody thought about what do they feel, when they are being prejudice of doing something which may be they haven’t done ever.
I remember some tales that I had seen on TV serials and even some stories read in the book regarding Chudel’s. I remember this with dwindle memory but yes some were concentrating on the worst side of their stories. It was even said that if you are distill from heart and want to flourish in your life, you should go and bring a hair of either of these witches and keep it beneath you and doing such, these chudel will do anything and everything that you ask her to do and fulfill all your dreams.
But has anyone even thought about what will be the repercussion of this entire episode if one would have done it?
There are people even doing witchkraft. I mean if such activity is supposed to be named then why as witchkraft only?? Anyway so far I am never being successful in finding an answer to it.
On the other side; if ever such creatures exists, how they must be feeling about we human-being thinking about them such? I know the irony will be something else, but this is what it is.
I also remember serials I used to watch like ‘Chandrakanta’ ‘Alif Laila’ and so on and so forth. They always picturized some good soul and some bad soul. Like in Alif Laila those stories that Laila spoke about used to also speak about some bad soul attacking the good soul and finally the good soul used to win. But, what I feel is what makes someone good or bad? I mean we used to enjoy the show and also curse ogre-the bad soul in the serial but is that the ogre was an actual ogre?
At times these words Chudel are also spoken as a bad word; and the heightest misery is; that now that we have a song with the title as ‘Ja Chudel Ja’. I mean its very annoying and embarrassing that we entertain such songs, but as the world is modernizing so is the acceptance increasing!! Can’t help out….but I personally do not support such actions..!!
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