Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Squalor……..May be..!!!

When I try to reline my flaws; I do not understand where and when to amend. The reliquiae is not at all squalor….but had been assumed to be such…!!
Why  there is a perception that things are draped like a dungeons and dragons?

Well I do not have an answer to it. You must be wandering why does this girl always sound sombre; it is because the night skies of my lonely life are always sombre and always concatenate to someone’s stories in the history which I have never committed.

Why things are abrate and my own people are abrasive of accepting me?? Why do I have to squall always to make someone believe and understand me ??

I do not have an answer…does anyone out reading here……know the reason for it…???

I relinquish from this life and want to offer myself to the Lord above…….!!!

O Lord..!!! Please accept  me Your Child..!!!

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