Wednesday, 16 February 2011

Home-based Remedies

From the recent past we are dependent on doctors to cure us for every single problem. It is qualia that we will not be cured if not intake medicines precribed by the doctor as they are the bailiwick of the show with the cachet may be embossed on their front door which are rather blandishing. But we have our own chattels, our own property rather which is given to us as a heredity by our anchestors.

So here I am to disabuse you from the dilution that is created in your mind.
Here I am to enlight few home-based remedies given by our anchestors, which is also called as “Daddi ma ke nuske”.

1)      Cold and Cough

If you are caught with Cold and Cough; do not worry or do not run to the doctor.
Try out this which really works. Take a small portion of ginger and small pieces of sugar, grind it together add little black pepper and put a pinch of it no your tougue whenever you feel like coughing.
This will reduce your cold and cough gradually. It may take an extreme of only 3 days to cure you completely.

2)      Feeling restless

There are couple of times when we feel restless and too tired and at time we even feel like sleeping. When you feel such take a glass of water (if possible luke warm water), add a pinch of salt and sugar in it, stir it and drink. This is help you to restore gulcose of your body and help you to revital your energy.

3)      Want your hair to look burgundy but without any chemical and want to be natural

Warm the hair oil, if possible cocunut oil, add  4 – 5 hibiscus flower (shoe-flower), warm it to such an extend that the flower should become completely black mixing up totally in the hair-oil. Once the oil cools down, apply it on your hair. Keep it for about ½ hr to 1 hr and later wash it off. Your hair will turn into burgundy color till the time you have your next wash. This helps your strengthen your hair from roots also gives you a shiny and burgundy look and prevents you from other chemicals which might grey your hair before your age.

4)      Wax-mixture for waxing your body

The last one yet not the least; and also shall write tips as and when time premits.
For making mixture for waxing your body; take some water in a bowl; add lemon juice and sugar (as per quantity required), and boil it till it becomes dry and sticky.
Make it cold and apply on your body and wax yourself at home.

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