Friday, 20 May 2011

Different meaning of tiredness……..

When we say we are tired; what do we actually try to portray when we say that we cannot do anything anymore, or rather what does tired mean?

Confused?? Yes I know that you are trying to understand as to what am I trying to ask or conclude by asking such insane question?

Accordingly to me, there is nothing called as tired in real, but yes becoming tired is virtual. Virtual as in; have you ever observed for yourself that whenever you are engrossed in a work or a task that you are enjoying, you must have not felt the need to rest but must have enjoyed working for hours together and with great fun and joy? On the other hand if you are working on a project which is not of your interest you must have become tired very soon or may be at some saturated point?

The second possible meaning could be, and especially in a corporate industry where there are many people working on the same project, here we would want to refrain oneself of becoming the scapegoat for the errors that others could possibly commit at the time of the project execution and so we believe and feel that we are tired.

In both the above cases I am trying to say is that tiredness is a state of mind, and it is all only in the mind. If one wants to feel tired he/she can easily become tired on the other hand if one wants to work can work throughout.

With this, I remember examples of people who work non-stop and don’t even realize that they are being working for hours at a go.
 Namely the software developers (this I came up because I know one friend who works for hours together and doesn’t realize that he is still awake). He is a software developer by profession, we used to work for the same organization and I used to wonder how he does this!!! He can work for about 2 days (48 hrs) continuously without a break; no really I am not exaggerating!! It is true!!(Best wishes for him).

The second professionals I have come across are the 3D artist or in that matter anyone related to the creative field. As we all know creativity cannot be compared or measured it has its own charm!!
I can say about this is because even my brothers do not sleep at times and I feel that they are not human beings but Robots!

The reason for the about examples are; why we the corporate industry people do not enjoy our work and we keep on creeping that we become tired exactly after 8 – 9 hours of our job when it is time to leave the office? Why don’t we too take the responsibility and enjoy our day-to-day activities and do not allow this term tired to even cross our minds…..????? 

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ha ha ha. Difficult to absorb.


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