Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Resolution for Life

I wonder at times why have I taken this birth ? Where do I come from?
Where was I before this birth and where will I be once I close my eyes and rest in peace? Life is just amazing, but what will happen after I leave this mortal world ? What do we consider an end is it truly the end ??? And the most important thing what is the purpose of my life………??

Though I am not a very religious person and neither do I have a great knowledge about the “TRUTH OF LIFE” but the only thing that I can say is, that every person has a purpose of life and is in this life to fulfil the same.

With this I remember that I had been to a person who is well qualified with the study of stars and the universe. One of my friend referred me to him; and with great enthuthiasm I had been to meet him. He studied my birthdate with birth-time and finally came to the conclusion that I am in  this life with the purpose to serve elderly people. Though he couldn’t be specific as to what does ‘elderly people’ actually includes but yes this is what he mentioned to me.

After contemplating on this for a very long, and trying to find an answer to my own questions, I came up with the conclusion that may be this life is a reason for me to take care of my parents (in-laws included) and look after them, along with that every elder person that I come across…..

May be I am right !!! or may be I am wrong…..!! But for my own satisfacation I accept this as a resolution for my life……………

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