Tuesday, 17 May 2011

Witness to First rain

Every year I wish and long to see and feel the first rain, but unfortunately used to miss it out. Either I used to be at home or in the school or at office; but this time I witnessed; and felt the first rain. It feels so relaxing, exciting and refreshing..!!

My workstation is next to the window and as the office that I work for is on the 5th floor I have the leverage to peep out of the window at an ease. The view outside is so amazing, the medows of grass are  so encouraging, can even view mahada area, so in a way I get to see the greenary along with huge residential area across. However, the clouds running to and for on the sky can be seen easily.

Yesterday somewhere around in the afternoon one of my colleague prompted that its raining and so with that great excitement I happened to move my eyes out of the computer screen and look out. You wouldn’t believe it was just amazing. God had created this world so beautiful that everything that we do and whatever we are can be related to the environment. IT WAS DRIZZLING.

Well, with it I also remember that we have a new joinee in our department. She is just new to this corporate world, a fresher out from the college!! So fresh, bubbly and also a bit confused as how to relate herself to this working envirornment. May be she will try to relate her college life with the office life….or may be she will be looking forward for someone of her wavelength, however and whatever it may be she will have to adjust with the situation one day and get acquited.

Similarly, like this new joinee, the rain “The first rain” of  this year is!! Did you get my point..?? I guess no, so here I explain what I mean to say.

As the world, our land is so much heated up with the summer season that everything around, the trees, the soil, the roads, WE (humanbeing) everything everything has become used to;  to the dry environment, from winter season to summer season, and now with the rain falling (drizzling) it will have to adjust with the environment and make everyone feel its presence in the heated climate and make everyone comfortable with its presence.

The smell of the mud on the roadside is so lovely; it feels as if to literally go and eat it..ooppss but unfortunately I cannot..!!! Anyway the clouds has wrapped the entire sky in it in such a way that the sun now need to say “excuse me” and just peep on the earth and making everyone aware of the fact that he is still there, existing and it is still his TIME, asking us to acknowledge that its still summer and yet to finish…!!

I love this climate and would love if it start raining heavily so that can get a chance of becoming wet in it...!

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