Wednesday, 29 August 2012

Justice OR Injustice

I wonder what is the meaning of Justice and Injustice; what is the actual meaning of it.

Sometimes I feel that there is nothing wrong or nothing right in the world under the shelter of heaven.

I was so highly disappointed a day before when I got to know about the incident of a woman been killed in the Ladies Special train running from churchgate to Virar; in the evening by other women commuters on 14-Aug-2012 in the luggage compartment.
This is rediculous indeed!!!!

It is so higly dangerous to do anything now a days; life has become so uncertain, that even a portion of our time cannot be guranteed.

But then I wonder what must be going on in those women's mind? Why have they done somethings like this.

Taking someone's life is the greatest sin on this planet; as we as an individual do not have the rights to take away the gift of life from anybody.

Our life is so pure, so magnetic, and so aromatic.
Is it a Just to take away someone's life?

As I wrote on my birthday that I understood one thing about life; that there is no wrong or no right, its all about how we perceive somethings to be,

I repeat Is it a Just to take away someone's life???

If you say 'no' then the synonyms is The terrorist's story, then why do we demand to hang the terrorist till death?

I fail to understand the actual meaning of Justice and Injustice and when to apply that.

Can anyone please explain me?

Sullen Life

What a life which is full of tears
What a life with songs so weird
What a life with hull and heek
What a life with slums and sleek

Sometimes its about the boughs
Sometimes its all chaos
Sometimes a lot of love
Sometimes all abhor

It is a Sullen Life..

It pains and prick at heart
Gives lots of affliction
This Sullen life
Is all about fiction

Circumstances may change
But not the consequence
This is what a sullen life
Which is based on pre-possession

All I ask and forseek
Is for a resolution
To all the fake possiblities
And all the preposition.

A SULLEN LIFE..........

Tuesday, 28 August 2012

Rain O my love, please come before you leave

I wish the sky come down
I wish for a hearty laughing sound
I wish for the sun up high
To calm down, to calm down..

Like an army on the border
Who fight for no cause
And loose or win the fight
With self-less intentions at heart.

I wish for the thunder
To come and play the sound
And give us the aspiration;
teaching us how to keep the life bounce.

Please come o ye my love
The world is awaiting for you
Come down now and shower
On every creature which are now few...

Come down O love of the earth
We are all waiting for you
Like every year you shower love
Come shower again few

The time is nearing for you to go
And you did not even show
Your charmastic smile and blessings
Which God had bestowed

The time is nearing for you to go
Now atleast come and show
We are waiting for you
Like a plant in a seed
For us to flourish by your touch

We need you desperately
Everytime you do this to us
This time please come o ye
We are waiting for you..!!!

Thursday, 23 August 2012

Its My 27th Birthday Today

27 years spent on this planet being 'ME'. It is a strange feeling that I feel I am born just yesterday.
Yesterday was the day when many things came in open, it felt as if one part of the movie is finished, the night was an intermission period; and now post interval's movie is on.
It took such a long time for THIS to come up; in this flow of life I felt that may be those pre-conceived notion is wiped off; but no, I was wrong.
It still continues to be the same, but finally it all came up.
Today, its a new start of my 28th year; but in real, it is a new start of my life.
Few things that I have understood after yesterday :-
1) I am what I am.
2) I was, I am and shall always be truthful.
3) Nothing is this world is greater than honesty/ Truth after God.
4) Ever coin has 2 sides, both are right, and both has a truth.
5) One man's poison is other man's food.
6) No one will stand will you, but your mother; as she has given you birth and she knows the pain what you go through
You might fail yourself, your spouse might fail to understand the pain behind your silence, but your mother does understands.
7) Sometimes I expect a lot from this universe and I do not understand that everything has a limit.
I ask this day; that may God give me what I deserve and not what I desire, because our desires might fool us, and may be fake, but what I deserve is what God wants for me.
Few resolutions for the year that I have made and expects to fulfil before I complete this 28th year:-
1) Have a huge bank balance (this is carried forward from last year as it is still to be fulfilled).
2) Complete my master's.
3) Get some extra degree in life.
4) Learn some more yoga to control myself, my anger, my anxiety and my pain.
5) Get a promotion and a salary hike.
6) Buy a new big house.
7) Buy a new car for myself.
You must be wondering this year's resolution is all about career and nothing about personal; yes you are right in observing.
I dont aspire to achieve anything in personal life atleast now, because I dont know what should happen in personal life.
For now I dont see any roads opening, its all dead ends.
As I said yesterday I just dashed to a dead end of the road and there came the interval of the story of my life; for sometime I felt its the end but may be it is just a bend,
but fortunately it is still continuing.........lets see how long it continue's....
That is how a new start of my new life.......

Wednesday, 22 August 2012

What a Birthday gift..

Long awaited misery
Long awaited tragedy
Like an angle
Which has a history...
It ended and bended
And took all the sides and degree's
And finally lasted in an angle which has no history
The line in it is lost
The moisture and the thirst
Like a hope that is lost
With his horifying tragedy
Wanted him to stand with me
Never did I receive
It ended with a birthday gift
That never did I expect
Never, did I expect
Such a miserable ending
I got,
What a Birthday gift..
Never ever will I forget
Never ever will I commit this mistake
Never ever will I ever trust
For ending with such a birthday gift..

Sunday, 19 August 2012

3 days to go.......

Well well well, just 3 days remaining for my 27th year to finish and I would be heading to my new year and I consider it to be a new life.....

A new day is arriving
With a new life
Have a lot in store
For me to cherish and try

A new day with a new beginning
A beginning with fun and game
With lots to share
With lots to gain

Ending 27th year with tears rolling down
No real achievement with no stories so sound
But expecting my years to come
With energy and love

I welcome my 28th year with a WARM DELIGHT..!!!!

Thursday, 16 August 2012

Bhagwat Gita Seminar by Iskon's

Recently I had attended Bhagwat Gita seminar conducted by Iskon's and the speaker who came was just too good.
I was supposed to be attending for 4 days but couldnt manage to go all days.
But in the first day small thing that I could understand from the seminar is;
That we now a days are so busy that we hardly find time for God and run behind stuff that are from this mortal work.
Our body is mortal but our soul is immortal, we should do good things all the time.

Also there are 7 miseries that no one can escape on of those I couldnt remember,
those are catagorized into 2:-

Old Age

And the second catagory is:
Our own mind and heart
Natural Calamities

We are all in Bhav-sagar - The meaning is Bhav is Misery and greed and Sagar is Ocean.
To live a perfect life as God desires we should be truthful and honest to one's soul and follow his path.
Below were the versus that he had presented on his PPT which I really liked it.
Putting it down here so that everyone can read.

"What is this Life full of care??
We have no time to stand and stare
No time to stand beneath the boughs
And stare as long as sheeps and cows".

The paradox of our time in history
is that we have taller buildings,
but shorter tempers;

Wider freeways,but narrower viewpoints,
We spend more but have less
We buy more but enjoy less,
Bigger houses but smaller families.

More convienence, but less time
We have more degrees but less sense
More knowledge but less judgement.

Friday, 3 August 2012

First day of Birthday month – August

I started my day with full hope and excitement; had worn my best top, which is pink in color with different color flowers on it, sleeveless and looks like as if a gown.
As this is my birthday month and it is my normal tendency to dress up well, started with this…!!!
Came to the office, and was too excited as I knew today evening will be meeting HIM.
Had to prepare about 3 big reports during the day and managed to finish them all.
I surprisingly received a compliment from one of my colleague for my work. Wow……it feels so good to receive some compliment for all the hard work that you do!!! I am been receiving compliments for the work that I perform in my new office where I am working now, it really raises my moral and I get all the courage to perform even better than yesterday.
Met him in the evening, and after almost a month of asking from him got it today evening. This makes me so happy and content only he understands.
Returned home late late in the night when the entire street is lonely and everyone was fast asleep.
Don’t know why but was repeating this very song the entire day…..sung by Mohammed Rafi and Lata Mangeshkar, picturised on Rajesh Khanna & Sharmila Tagore in the movie Aradhana.
"Bago me Bahar hai, Kaliyo me Nikhar hai…………tum ko mujhse pyaar hai…………nana na na nana"
We have planned to meet even tomorrow, let’s see how it works out.
And now sleeping hoping for a better tomorrow.


Unsaid, Undone still all Finished !!

My thoughts are my foes. My fear is mounting and enveloping me all. I cannot lose him either. But have wraith at every stall.   I always com...