Monday, 25 April 2011

Weired Dream……..!!

Such dreams doesn’t leave me neither doesn’t allow me to have a peaceful sleep !!
I wonder why do I get such dreams; is it that I am insane or is it that I am think a lot on these note….!!! Here is it the dream that I saw last night..!!

I saw a poor lady on the road side on the pavement; panting for breath; though I can see this dream; unfortunately cannot find myself in that dream to help her out. It was that rediculous juncture where she is on her last stage !! how hard I tried to look for someone out around but couldn’t find one and finally that lady spoke to me and said ‘Look girl you did not save me now I am returning to the one who created me’ and she gave away her last breath..!!!

Can anyone help me out to know why such dreams do I see…?? Who this lady may be ??
And what can be the purpose of such weired dream where I saw this lady dying..???

With great fear in me; I opened my eyes just to escape from this terrifying dream it was around 1:25 am….again when I closed my eyes to rest and have a calm and peaceful sleep….another dream followed..!!

This showed that I am running on a railways station; though not really running for the train…but when I realised that I am running I was questioning oneself as to what made me run so far; without any purpose…??And why did I run in first place…???

When I opened my eyes it was around 4:30 am ……..!!!

Ufff !!! I am tried of such dreams…….please Lord !! This is just too much, now atleast let me know the purpose of all these !!!!

Sunday, 24 April 2011


Today my mind is relaxed
Today my heart is contented...
Today is the day...
When i feel away is all my pain..!!

Today i can concentrate
Today i am memorate
Today i can contemplate
What all i needed...!!!

Today i have the power
Today i can crush the devour
Today i am happy
Today i am satisfied..!!!

To follow voice of heart
To follow that no one can depart
To follow so that i succeed
That is what is in my mind.....!!

Why is it such always I stamble ?
Today I can open the door of clues
Today i can decide a path
Today i can concentrate....!!!

Thursday, 21 April 2011


Today I am angry.! Just too angry..! Do not know how to react or how do I calm myself down..!!Why someone close to me always try to hurt me and try to play around with my emotions..!! I am really failing to understand…….!!

This angry is not even agreeing to leave me……..just sticked and placed in my mind like a magnet to an iron rod, or like a dart to the wall…or something such….!!

The only thing I know is I hate hipocrats and can never accept anyone even close to me like someone like this…!!!

I am just too angry today..!!!!!!!

Here I am...!!

Here I am to tell you what I feel for you my love…..

Your lovely lustrous eyes;
Shower love and is so deep for me,
I feel like to swim in it like an ocean or sea….!!

Here I am  to tell you what I feel for you my love…..
I hope you will not mind if I move a little below….

Your seducting lips; has so much in store for me…
When you smile at me;
My heart misses a beat;
I feel like giving you my life and still I am beneath..!!

Here I am to show you how much I feel for you my love…
Please permit me so that can follow my heart and the voice in it…

When I look at you
There are butterflies in my stomach;
I love to smell you;
I love to feel you;
Hope you wont mind;
If I am always in your blues….!!!

Here I am to show you what you are for me my love…!!

My life is for you;
Every little thing that I do is for you;
My heart beats is only for you..
If God gives me a WISH;
I shall ask nothing else but YOU…!!

Wednesday, 20 April 2011

Ever wondered why there are seven days in a week?

Ever wondered why there are seven days in a week?

Note : Found this really really interesting and found too much of thought of sharing it out here........!! (Hope all will take it positively and not be defensive)

Our calendar originates from a mixture of pagan1 and mythical beliefs, including:
It is convenient for followers of a religion to conform to society norms, even when there is no religious connection. For example, our way of measuring time (hours, minutes and seconds) are based on an early Babylonian system, and our modern calendar is based on pagan practices and astrology.
But whether we are 'religious' or not, we do not think of the calendar as a pagan thing; it's merely a means to measure time, using things called 'days' and 'months'. When we see on the church notice-board: 'Sunday Worship', it doesn't mean that people will gather on that day to worship the sun. (See also Sun Cross.)
Church-goers do not put their faith or trust in the sun or any other pagan thing to gain favour of the gods. They do not worship the Christmas tree, and the Christmas tree is not necessary to celebrate Christmas. If someone believes a Christmas tree has some mystical power, it is the value that person has placed on it. The same goes for the Bible, the cross, and all the other items adopted by Christians that have a pagan origin.

Origins of our day names

The days of the week are based on Greek mythology. The original Greek and Roman naming has changed over the years to match the equivalent gods of north European mythology. (Similar names are used in other European languages, such as French, German, Italian and Spanish.)

The seven celestial bodies

Japan has a similar system - see Rokuyo
But first, let's go back to the Egyptian astronomers who identified seven celestial bodies: Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, the Sun, Venus, Mercury, and the Moon. They believed these revolved in Heaven about the fixed earth and stars.
Having determined these bodies were pretty mysterious and therefore important, they had little to do other than amuse themselves by sitting on the banks of the Nile, look up at the sky (as Sherlock Holmes did), contemplating the concept of 'time'. They divided the daylight time into 12 hours; a convenient number which divides cleanly by 2, 3, 4 and 6. The night time was also divided by 12, but the length of day 'hours' and night 'hours' would differ according to the season.
They named each hour after a particular celestial body:
1st hour: Saturn
2nd hour: Jupiter
3rd hour: Mars
4th hour: Sun
5th hour: Venus
6th hour: Mercury
7th hour: Moon
The 8th hour would recycle to the Saturn hour, as would the 15th and 22nd. Following this pattern, the 23rd hour would be Jupiter, the 24th Mars, and the 1st hour of the next day would be the Sun.
From this method, the first hour of each day was named after:
1st day: Saturn
2nd day: Sun
3rd day: Moon
4th day: Mars
5th day: Mercury
6th day: Jupiter
7th day: Venus
Each day was consecrated to the celestial body of its first hour, which has resulted not only in us having seven days a week, but also the names of those days.
The first day of a week was Saturn's day (Saturday), but on their flight from the Egyptians, the Jews changed this and made Saturday their Sabbath, the last day of the week. (Christians later moved observance of the Sabbath from Saturday to Sunday as part of their theological and historical split from Judaism, even though they respect the Hebrew Scriptures2.
So following the Jewish day numbering system, with the last day of the week being Saturday, the first day of the week became:

·         Sunday: Day of the Sun

A day without sunshine is like, err... night
Latin: dies solis - Helios, god of the sun
Saxon: sunnandaeg - god of the heat and light ball in the sky.
Sun worship has always been popular and for obvious reasons - the sun gives us the warmth and light essential for survival. Some believe that the halo seen in Christian icons, the sun-shaped Eucharist wafer contained in the Catholic monstrance, and several other instances, look very much like pagan sun worshipping. (See also Sun Cross.)

Modern sun worship

Ancient sun worship

·         Monday: Day of the Moon
Latin: dies lunae - Luna or Selene goddess of the moon
Saxon: mona - god of the light ball in the night sky, and tide maker. (See also Moon Cross)
·         Tuesday: Day of Mars
Latin: dies martis - Mars or Aires, god of war
Saxon: tiwesdaeg - etymologically related to Zeus (see Thursday). Tiw lived on a high mountain and guided warriors who worshipped him. If a warrior died in battle Tiw would come down to earth with his angels and take the dead warrior to heaven. (The French for Tuesday is Mardi, as in Mardi Gras.)
·         Wednesday: Woden's day
Latin: dies mercurii - Mercury or Hermes, Messenger of the gods
Saxon: Wodnesdaeg - Woden's day (King of the gods). Woden was the god who controlled all the other gods. His number-one mission was to gain all knowledge and wisdom. He visited all four corners of the world to gather information. Nothing could be hidden from him. In fact(!) he even wore out one of his eyes from seeing so much wisdom.
To cover the rather messy dead eye, he wore a large floppy hat and compensated for his sightlessness with blackbird on each shoulder. These birds were his extra eyes and could fly off to spy on people, and then report back to Woden. In this way, Woden knew everything that was going on and people had to be very careful how they behaved in case Woden was watching. After all, as king of all gods, he could wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chose. (See also Woden's Cross.)
Let's rename Wednesday as Webday. The World Wide Web god controls all the other gods. Web's number-one mission is to gain all knowledge and wisdom. He visits all four corners of the world to gather data. Nothing can be hidden from him. In fact he even sacrificed face to face conversations to see the wisdom through virtual forums.
To cover the rather messy bits and bytes, he wears a Macintosh and Windows, and bears Mozilla and Explorer on his shoulders. They are his eyes that spy on people, and then report back to Web. In this way, Web knows everything that is going on and people have to be very careful how they behave in case Web is watching. After all, as king of all gods, Web can wreak havoc on dissenters in any way he chooses.
But don't worry - like Woden, the Web has no supernatural power. The Web is an idiot-savant who retains countless bits of information yet understands nothing.
·         Thursday: Thor's day

Thor's Hammer
Latin: dies jovis - Jove or Zeus, god of thunder
Saxon: thuresdaeg - Thor's day (god of thunder). Thunder was the sign that Thor was angrily throwing his large hammer across the sky.
It's a good idea not to annoy this god. When he comes storming after sinners, the sparks of his chariot wheels create the lightening we see. (See also Thor's Cross.)
·         Friday: Fria's day
Latin: dies veneris - Venus or Aphrodite, goddess of love
Saxon: frigedaeg - Freya's day (goddess of love). Frigg was a kind and beautiful Norse goddess and wife of Odin, the most powerful god. Their job was to oversee everything that happened in the world and Frigg's specialty was love and marriage. (Interestingly, 'frig' is a modern coarse euphemism for 'sex'.)
·         Saturday: Saturn's day
Latin: dies saturni - Saturn, god of agriculture
Saxon: Seterne's day (god of agriculture). People believed that the god named Saturn controlled the weather and hence the success or failure of crops. Sacrificing a farm animal to Saturni would increase the chances of pleasing the god, resulting in favourable weather and a good crop.
Although our days are named after gods, the names were not regularly capitalized until the 17th century. (Relating this boring fact will do you no favours during dinner conversation, unless your companions are drunk.)

Origins of our month names

Why does no word in the English language rhyme with month?
The word 'month' stems from 'moon', and 'calendar' stems from calare (to call out), just as the ancient priests did when they announced a new moon. The month names we use were chosen to celebrate Roman deities and emperors. (Similar names are used in other European languages, such as French, German, Italian and Spanish.)
  • January: Roman god Janus was the god of doorways, entrances, gateways, thresholds and beginnings, and therefore used for the opening of the New Year.
  • February: This used to be the last month of the Roman calendar. On 15th day of the month was a Pagan festival of purification called Februa and so this month came to be known as Februa's month. The day before that, and the day after (ides), was a holiday to honour Juno. The goddess Juno was the Queen of the Roman gods and goddesses, and also the goddess of women and marriage. Was it coincidence that the nasty Emperor Claudius II arranged for a priest named Valentine to be clubbed to death and then beheaded on this day? See St. Valentine's Cross.
  • March: The Roman god Mars, god of war and guardian of the state. This was the first month of the ancient Roman calendar.
  • April: Considered a sacred Roman month for the goddess Venus. The name 'April' is probably from Apru, an Etruscan borrowing of Greek Aphrodite, a fertility goddess. Alternatively, it may stem from the Latin aperire (to open), as so many buds and blossoms open in this month (in the northern hemisphere).
  • May: This is from Maia a Roman goddess of earth, honour and reverence. She was wife of Vulcan, mother of Mercury by Jupiter and daughter of Atlas. It became a popular girl's name in English.
  • June: The chief goddess Juno, wife of Jupiter and queen of the heavens and gods. June became another popular name for girls, as did:
  • July: Named after the death of Julius Caesar in 44 BC to deify and immortalize his name. Gaius Julius Caesar was born in this month, which was formerly Quintilis (fifth) month of the Roman calendar.
  • August: Named in 8 BC after Augustus Caesar, the adopted heir of Julius Caesar and the first Roman emperor (31 BC - 14 AD). A synonym for the adjective 'august' is 'venerable', and the emperor was known as the Venerable Caesar. Quite a contrast to the month's original name, 'Weodmonao', which means 'month of weeds'. Today's gardeners would agree with that.
The next four months are just based on a mundane numbering system. The year used to begin in March, so September through to December were months 7 to 10. A numbering system is still used in many cultures today for the whole year. Modern Japanese, for example, has 1-gatsu, 2-gatsu, 3-gatsu ... 12-gatsu. Similarly in Chinese: 1-yuè, 2-yuè, 3-yuè ... 12-yuè.
(Curiously, when Pope Gregory XIII changed the calendar system in 1582 and established the Gregorian calendar with January as the first month of the year, he did not rename any of these months. December, for example, could have been changed to Christ-month or Jesus-month.)
  • September: This name comes from the Latin septem, meaning 'seven'.
  • October: This name comes from the Latin octo, meaning 'eight'. (Octopus - an 8-sided cat?) This is the month when people start thinking of Christmas and New Year parties. Amaze your friends by telling them the day of the week for Christmas Day and New Year's Day; these days are always the same weekday as 2nd October.
  • November: This name comes from the Latin novem, meaning 'nine'.
  • December: This name comes from the Latin decem, meaning 'ten'.

Origins of our season names

  • Winter: No mythical god ... just cold! The season of wind and white snow, hence the name 'winter'.
  • Spring: The time when new plants spring up after a harsh winter.
  • Summer: From Old Norse 'sumarsdag', the time for lots of sunshine.
  • Autumn: The time for reaping and harvesting the main crops of the year. The old English name for this season of 'harvest' was replaced by the Latin autumnus in the 16th century. Also known as 'fall' in America, as this is the time the temperature falls and leaves fall from the trees. (And you've probably noticed that already.)
As mentioned earlier, these mythical and pagan ideas have absolutely no meaning to a monotheistic believer like a Christian. The Christian doesn't care one iota that his months are named after 12 mythical gods, when they could easily be named after the 12 disciples. Neither does he care that the four seasons are agriculturally related and not consecrated to the four evangelists.
And that is very fortunate for the rest of the world.
Imagine the utter confusion if we all adopted different standards. As humans, we can see the sense and logic of accepting such things. Why then, cannot we accept other differences? Why, in this 21st century, do some Christians and Muslims fight? Why do some Protestants and Catholics fight? All we need is a tiny extension to the tolerance that we have so readily given for pagan objects of worship.

Tuesday, 12 April 2011

Squalor……..May be..!!!

When I try to reline my flaws; I do not understand where and when to amend. The reliquiae is not at all squalor….but had been assumed to be such…!!
Why  there is a perception that things are draped like a dungeons and dragons?

Well I do not have an answer to it. You must be wandering why does this girl always sound sombre; it is because the night skies of my lonely life are always sombre and always concatenate to someone’s stories in the history which I have never committed.

Why things are abrate and my own people are abrasive of accepting me?? Why do I have to squall always to make someone believe and understand me ??

I do not have an answer…does anyone out reading here……know the reason for it…???

I relinquish from this life and want to offer myself to the Lord above…….!!!

O Lord..!!! Please accept  me Your Child..!!!

The wanderind mind…

What has happened to me ?? I was never like this before!! Never ever had my mind gone to such an extend to think and suspect !! But why is it now ?? Why ??

Am I creating pain for myself in my heart ?? Or it is something really fishy ?? Or is it that I am kept in dark and things are hidden from me ??? Why so many questions with no answers ?? Why am I becoming insane ?? I was never like this before !! When will I be free with the agony of this wandering mind ??? When will situations be normal and I will be free from this illusory  prejudice of my fake fate…???????

Wednesday, 6 April 2011

To My Sweetheart Mother…!!!

She is so sweet,
Like a nectar,
She is so simple,
Like our redemeer..!

A second Mother
Gifted to me by God;
First is Mary other is my Mother..!!

I hurt her always
Still she be so strong..!!
I give her pain
She smiles and forgives all…!!

She holds me in her arms
She comforts me when I am down
She is the one whom I can rely on
When I am in deep dismay and facing many storms..!!

She is the one who always makes me smile
Whose arms gives me a feeling of paradise…!!
Whose teaching I am following..
And her love for us cannot be justified..!!

I love you mumma
I will love you always…!!
Please forgive me if I am wrong;
And take me abreast…!!

Sunday, 3 April 2011

Brutal World........!!

I had seen a woman
Beautiful yet simple,
her lovely little gestures....
So humble and like feather.....!!

She was a little girl;
till the time she met her MAN;
He was one of the handsome dude..
The perfect match to be a couple..!!

Once held a tragedy;
Where he lost his eyes;
Now she feels aggravated;
Which couldn't be justified..!!

This handsome gentle-man;
Whom she loves and is her husband;
She gave her life for him the ONE;
Who is a kerfuffle......!!

Now, when she recollect those moments
which now is a memory..!
Her eyes watered every moment......
Because he became a kerfuffle.......!!


Too many things to be done and got very little time! Now you will wonder what I am talking about!! Am I right?? I have my exams coming up and around the same time in my office got a bill run day; and the most frightening thing is that My love will be returning on ship around the same time…!!
I need to priorities my work and studies accordingly so that I can give the best time for my love! Be with him spend time with him and so on and so forth….!!But it isn’t that easy..!! I hope you understand my problem. To be with him is the most priorities activity for me! But how do I justify this to everyone who is questioning me?
Well by now you must have read to couple of my other article on my blog; and must be wandering as to why this girl got so much questions in her mind!!! But tell me, is there anyone who is too focused and knows what do they want to do??? Or doesn’t have any questions in their mind?? Or am I an abnormal person?? Or is this the right question…….???  

Let go…………….

Like children bring their broken toys
With tears for them to mend
I brought my broken dream to God
Because he is my friend
But then instead of leaving him
In peace to work alone
I ran around and tried to guide him
With ways that were my own
I cried a loud because it pained
And poked a niddle though
But never found HIM to help
Because the ways were my own
But at last I turned back to him and asked
Why is he so slow?
He said …………………………
My child you never did let go………..!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sense of being lonely

What are my fingers trying to articulate?? Please pardon me; because even I am not aware of it..!! Here India has won the “World Cup” but yet I am not so contented and so depressed!! Though may be today is the best day and the best time for the country to celebrate; but my heart is crying; crying in silence in the loud noise probably that has surrounded me!!
No one can hear my cry today; or rather I am not a person who can share my feeling with anyone! May be that is the reason why am I writing is out here and pouring out my heart! May be I do not want to hear the sound of the broken walls in my heart to be heard by anyone; or maybe I am afraid of something?? What is that fear which is mounted up in my conscious??? Well, I don't know!! My life has become like that crazy ball which can only bounce back but could do nothing; can hurt no one but oneself!!!
Why am I such??Why can't I be that sort of person who can voice out everything that crosses my mind and hurts my soul?? Why?????


What if life is not the way how you want??
What if that the reason doesn’t seem to be very strong??
What if you have to be like a slave every day??
What if Life takes back everything away and keep you sway??

What if you do not receive what you need??
What if your land is still barren even though you have sowed the best seed??
What if someone is contemplating something else about you?
What if you have very little cronies to be spoken too?

Life is all about give and take;
You give something and expect the same!
But it’s so fraudulent and so fake;
You think you have received what you expected;
But your life is still at stake!!!! 

Saturday, 2 April 2011


Life is not as simple as we assume it to be.  As I am growing older in age I could recognize these very easily as till sometimes back I couldn’t……..!!
Till now no one had hate me so much, as much as she hates me. I am failing to understand the reason for her hatred in her heart for me. Am I so bad?? Or so ugly?? Or am I rather so immature?

Someone had told me when I was in school that “no one can hate you, you got a smart personality and sweet voice!’ I was in the illusory world of fake happiness that yes this statement is true; but now I understand that it must have been told to be because I was young or probably the first female friend for that person; so made his brother and mother just utter those words. But the ground reality is that YES someone hates me and hates me from the core of her heart!! It is very difficult to believe but yes that is the fact of my life. 
But that someone is no one else but whom I value a lot and love a lot; though I am speechless and cannot tell her or tell or show anyone; but YES I love her a lot.

I just hope that one day she will also love me………………………….!!! Hoping for the best……..!!


Unsaid, Undone still all Finished !!

My thoughts are my foes. My fear is mounting and enveloping me all. I cannot lose him either. But have wraith at every stall.   I always com...